1-5 Oct 2023 Angers (France)

Submit an Abstract


1- To submit an abstract for oral presentations and/or posters, you will need a Scienceconf.org account. If you do not have one, go to the following address to create this account: https://chi-nano-2023.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount

2- Once this account created, go back to the Chirality@Nanoscale website  and click on the Login button (on the top right hand corner). Enter your login and password and validate. You will subsequently be able to register to the conference by clicking the My Submissions button in the My Space section. Fill in the form and submit your abstract.

Please use the following template to submit your file: ABSTRACT_LastName_FirstName.doc

Abstract submission deadline:  July 20th, 2023

Online user: 3 Privacy